food. incontinence care. therapy and counseling.

Joy the Warrior Foundation is chartered as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and registered with the Texas Secretary of State under file number: 0803405145.

At Joy The Warrior Foundation, we believe in developing the socio economic potential of the people living with disability, living in vulnerable situations through rehabilitation, care, education and economic empowerment.
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Our Mission

To honour and empower wounded warriors

our vision

To inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats people living with disabilities and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

our values

Integrity, Teamwork, Innovation & Creativity, and Professionalism. We are committed to honesty, accountability, and transparency in everything we do. We model ethical behaviour.

how it all started

The President - Sabina Wahome’s late daughter, who had cerebral palsy, inspired this organization.

Imagine not getting the daily assistance needed when you’re living with disability or are terminally ill, really sad.

Sabina saw first hand how it was tough to provide essentials like incontinence care, food and health care to her ailing daughter and instantly decided to make a difference to others who were in such life-defining situations.

our keys to success

what we do best

At Joy The Warrior Foundation, we promote the dignity and self-worth of all of our community, and strive to give them excellent quality of life, individually and as a group. It is not just a caregiving organization—it is their home, and their community.

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Although the hospital model of care practiced in most rehabilitation homes provides good results for Medicaid and Medicare billing purposes—that is, easily quantifiable lists of procedures and medicines administered, test results, and billable nursing hours—it does not provide good quality of life for the challenged (or “patients,” as they are referred to in the hospital model).

At Joy the Warrior Foundation, we see a different way of assisting our physically challenged members. Acknowledging that where they live is their home, and belongs to them, not to the medical staff, we have established a model that not only meets their medical and physical needs, but one that also nourishes their social connections, individual dignity, and personal preferences.

Far more devastating than normal illness to our community, is lack of purpose.

Studies have shown over and over that people living with disabilities who are engaged in activities they find meaningful are far more likely to retain mental acuity, physical health, and emotional well being.

Although the hospital model tries to provide such stimulation, its “activities” are usually organized by staff, with little or no input from “patients,” and become just one more set of required tasks for all involved.

At Joy the Warrior Foundation, we will work with our physically challenged to identify areas of interest and methods of community involvement that will appeal to them.

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We Love to work with the best

Meet our Customers

"Accept the new challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of your victory."
Dana Bailey
"Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay."
David Larsen
"We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us, always!"
John Wells
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